Sunday, August 23, 2020

Spark Plugs, Rain, Tie Down for Starting Motor, Throttle Cable and Brake Problems


I couldn't find a reason for the miss with the RH Magneto so I replaced the spark plugs with new Champion REM40E plugs.  I also replaced the plug leads with new wires from Fresno Air Parts.  I had one wire which, in the past, had rubbed through the insulation against the cowl bump so I wanted to change them anyway.  Th new ones have elbows to help protect against chafing.

As I got ready to run the motor the rain started so I quickly covered the cockpit.

You can see the wheels are chocked with ropes that allow pulling both chocks as one.

The tail is tied to a piece of rebar which goes into a tube in the ground and through an eye bolt in the hangar door.  The guy before me install them for his plane.

I made a 1/2" rope, about 5 feet long, with eyes spliced at each end.  I used 3/8" eyes because they fit the rope better.  The wrap at the end of the tucks is heat shrink tubing.  The forward end hooks to the cockpit operated tow hook.  Start the motor, pull the chocks, climb in, buckle up, and release the hook and you're ready to taxi.

Fortunately I did some more taxiing and found my foot was catching the throttle cable and reducing power, not good.  I've added some more cable ties so it's tight to the fuel line and my foot can't snag it.

When I came back the next day I found brake fluid leaked on the floor from the Left Brake.  The old bladder had sprung a leak.  I need to find a good cheap bladder or replace the brakes, big $$.

O yeah! I still have the magneto miss.

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