Sunday, November 19, 2023

1/2 Hour Flying - Beautiful Cool Afternoon


Went flying about 4pm this afternoon.  It was cool, 60 degrees, crystal clear, with a 5 mph breeze straight down runway 23. Cruising at 77mph, and 2100 RPM, the CHT was about 345 degrees F.

Heading ESE that's Lake Anna straight ahead and Lake Louisa, where I live, to the right.

When I turned at Lake Louisa I headed SW so I would be south of Gordonsville Airport  to enter the downwind for 23.  Bad plan, I was flying  straight into the setting sun.  Visibility forward was awful.

I also should have flown another 20 minutes so the sun would be better hidden while landing, couldn't see the trees below me turning final.  They weren't close but it was not comfortable.  Then bounced the landing a little, but had fun overall.

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